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“Been There and Done That ??”

Just when you think that you have seen it all, the universe throws a snow ball at you, it may turn into an avalanche that crushes you or may just sting you really hard...... however you want to take it, but it’s universe’s weird sense of humour; a way of telling you that you need a reality check, that’s when you realise that you were in an illusion or heading towards one. Sometimes to get a reality check, one may feel the need to test their limits, by doing something that indulges them, some people do insanity- work outs, some do marathons, some become workoholics, some alcoholics and some take the road full of substances each one has their own form of therapy. What counts at the end of it is where do you draw a line and a question; Are you enjoying it ?? The answers may vary from person to person and their experiences. In these 2 years of my newfound freedom, I took a few stings, a few avalanches, tried becoming a workaholic, and people took me as an alcoholic, I met and spoke to a he

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